Hire a ghostwriter
Shannon Kyle Shannon Kyle

Hire a ghostwriter

In this blog post we will explore what hiring a ghost really involves. As a ghostwriter myself, I can explain what to look out for, how to hire a ghostwriter successfully and even what increases the chances of making your book a success, whether it’s a memoir, novel or non-fiction book.

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What is a ghostwriter?
Shannon Kyle Shannon Kyle

What is a ghostwriter?

What is a ghostwriter? It’s the most common question I get asked and the answer is quite simple. We are professional writers who write for other people.

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What happens at the London Book Fair?
Shannon Kyle Shannon Kyle

What happens at the London Book Fair?

This year was the first time The Ghostwriters Agency attended the London Book Fair. We set up our agency last year and already have a vast network of bestselling ghostwriters and therefore are keen to spread the word. And what better place to do this than at the London Book Fair?

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I need a ghostwriter… where do I start?
Shannon Kyle Shannon Kyle

I need a ghostwriter… where do I start?

The realisation that you need a ghostwriter to help your book project can feel like a revelatory moment. That’s because you’ve reached a stage in your book writing process that means you’re serious about making it a success.

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New Year resolution: to write a book!
Shannon Kyle Shannon Kyle

New Year resolution: to write a book!

The novelist Philip Roth, rather sniffily, said once: “It's true that everyone has a book inside them, and that is exactly where it should stay. “ But I disagree with the great man.

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How reliable are our memories?
Shannon Kyle Shannon Kyle

How reliable are our memories?

When it comes to writing a memoir, most clients rely on memory. But without solid references from our past, how do we know we’re remembering correctly?

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Six tips to start your memoir
Shannon Kyle Shannon Kyle

Six tips to start your memoir

It is useful in any case to lay the groundwork with the important people in your life to let them know you are writing your life story. As well as giving them a chance to mentally prepare they can be very helpful to the process. When it comes to family, they may be able to supply information about your past.

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